I am thankful for a good evangelistic Bible study I had today with two deaf, a brother and sister. They are “low-verbal”, and their understanding is very limited, and their signs are also limited. I have been going with a man and his wife from our church, Angelo and Maria Lúcia, but today they were not able to go with me. The deaf brother and sister, both in their sixties, live in an apartment with a hearing sister. I used some flashcards to show them of God’s love for them, and about the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was interesting to me to see that the man, José Luiz, had made a “heart”, with one side being white, and the other side was painted black with a permanent marker. He said that he had made a red heart, but had misplaced it. I used his homemade heart to show the sinfulness of their hearts, and that only Jesus could wash their hearts clean. As I proceeded to tell the Gospel story one more time, today it seemed as if they understood. I did not force them to say a prayer or ask them to copy my signs as I said the “sinner’s prayer,” because I am still not sure that they fully grasp the salvation message. However, I believe they are getting close. The sister, Vera Lúcia, always has a snack prepared, and when she went to the kitchen, José Luiz put in a DVD from Silent Word Ministries with Ronnie Rice sharing the Gospel message. José Luiz had watched this before, because as Ronnie Rice was signing, José Luiz was copying the signs, and also responding to the questions. It thrilled my heart to see him watching the Gospel presentation so intently. I told the hearing sister that I would be back next Wednesday, hopefully with the other deaf couple, and continue the evangelistic Bible study. Please remember José Luiz and Vera Lúcia in your prayers regarding their salvation. Thank you.