September 26, 2024
Greetings from São Paulo, Brazil!
We want to say a big “THANK YOU” to those of you that have been praying for the request that we mentioned in our past few prayer letters. We want to relate to you how that God answered the prayers of His people in a wonderful way.
Around the beginning of April, Pastor Lucas and his wife, Rute (Ruth), felt that God was leading them to look for another ministry in which to serve. They have been serving in a church where Pr. Lucas was saved and studied for the ministry. We’ve known Rute since she was a little girl, and now she is a pastor’s wife. Rute grew up in the Deaf church in São Paulo, and she knows Brazilian sign language (LIBRAS).
In mid-April, Dan was in contact with a former pastor of the Deaf church in São Paulo, and Dan asked him to pray that God would send two men to become the pastors of the two Deaf churches. This pastor mentioned it to his wife, and she texted Pr. Lucas and asked him to pray about it. By the way, the former pastor of the Deaf church in São Paulo is Rute’s father.
Back in September of 2023, Becky saw Rute teaching the deaf ladies at the Women’s Retreat, and she did a good job. Becky decided to ask Rute to speak at our Mother’s Day Tea, and Dan wanted to invite Pr. Lucas to come and preach that same weekend. Dan called and talked to Pr. Lucas, thinking he was the assistant pastor, but soon found out that he was the senior pastor of the church.
Dan invited them to come, and he quickly accepted. He told Dan that they had been praying about changing ministries, and only one other person knew about it.
Pr. Lucas, Rute, and their two small daughters came for the weekend of May 4th and 5th. It was a wonderful weekend of teaching, preaching and fellowship. On Monday morning, Dan and Pr. Lucas sat and talked about the Deaf church for a long time. Pr. Lucas and Rute both told us that they felt like they were “at home,” and seemed to have really enjoyed their time here. Pr. Lucas said that they would pray about God’s will concerning him becoming the pastor, and that he would give us an answer by the end of June.
On June 24th, Dan sent a message to Pr. Lucas just to let him know that we were praying for them, and if he had any questions to give him a call. He immediately called Dan, and he said that God had confirmed in their hearts that He wanted him to become the pastor of the Bible Baptist Church in Arujá. Glory, Hallelujah!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! That is a huge answer to prayer.
Let me also add another interesting piece of information: Pastor Lucas does not know sign language. Although that was a concern of his, Dan assured him that if God is calling, then part of the calling is preparing to minister in the language to which God calls a person. He is currently taking classes and doing well with what he has learned.
Pastor Lucas and family moved to Arujá in August, and he is excited about learning and communicating with the Deaf. The church people have really embraced the new pastor, and we are excited to see how God is going to use this family in the years to come. They are a young family with some ambitious ideas, goals and plans. They have already talked about buying property and building in the future. We praise the Lord that we have had a part in the birth, growth and development of this church. This is also fruit to your account! To God be the glory!
Please be in continued prayer concerning a pastor for the Deaf church in São Paulo. We have someone in mind that could be a possibility…just waiting on God’s perfect timing. When that prayer has been answered, we will let you know.
Thank you for faithfully partnering with us as we reach the Deaf in Brazil!
That all may “hear,”
Dan & Becky Bennett