I woke up this morning with a muscle pain in my back, so I went to the cabinet to get some acetaminophen (generic Tylenol). I know that some medications are not supposed to be taken on an empty stomach, so I began to look for any type of warning on the label regarding this information.
At the top of the label, printed in bold letters, were the words, “Drug Facts.” Underneath “Drug Facts” it read, “Active ingredient (in each caplet), Acetaminophen 500 mg.” That’s it. There was one active ingredient. The stated purpose was, “Pain reliever/fever reducer.” That’s what I needed.
As I quickly read the uses stated on the label about relieving minor aches and pains, there was also a liver warning if one exceeded the recommended dosage, and an allergy alert. The label gave strict instructions about who should not use the product, and who should consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.
However, what got my attention was at the bottom of the label. Interestingly enough, these words were printed so that everyone could know what is in the medication, besides the acetaminophen: “Inactive ingredients.” (I will not state them here, but you can read them for yourself on the side of the bottle the next time you go to your medicine cabinet, local pharmacy, or Wal-Mart.
“Inactive ingredients?” Really? Why were inactive ingredients added to the acetaminophen? Who decided to add random components that have no medicinal purpose to the pain reliever? I was surprised to read that in each caplet there were NINE inactive ingredients, while there was only ONE active ingredient. Think about it: 90% of what is in each caplet is inactive, or useless, while only 10% is active, or useful.
As I thought about this, it made me think of a lot of churches that have some, “inactive ingredients.” Many church members (90%, or even more) just show up, but are inactive and have no purpose. They are inactive in Sunday School, the choir, visitation (more like 99% inactive for visitation), and even tithing. An inactive member is a useless member, much like the inactive ingredients in acetaminophen that serve no purpose. It’s probably church members like this that cause the pastor to run to his medicine cabinet for acetaminophen!
Christian friend, don’t be a random “inactive ingredient” in your church, but rather, be an “active ingredient” that actually serves a purpose, even if you are only one in ten that does. Who knows? You may be the one that relieves your pastor from a headache caused by 90% of the inactive members. You can be sure that your pastor will be grateful that you are an “active ingredient” in the work of the Lord.