Prayer Letter (3rd Quarter 2024) – Answered Prayer

September 26, 2024

Greetings from São Paulo, Brazil!

We want to say a big “THANK YOU” to those of you that have been praying for the request that we mentioned in our past few prayer letters. We want to relate to you how that God answered the prayers of His people in a wonderful way.

Around the beginning of April, Pastor Lucas and his wife, Rute (Ruth), felt that God was leading them to look for another ministry in which to serve. They have been serving in a church where Pr. Lucas was saved and studied for the ministry. We’ve known Rute since she was a little girl, and now she is a pastor’s wife. Rute grew up in the Deaf church in São Paulo, and she knows Brazilian sign language (LIBRAS).

In mid-April, Dan was in contact with a former pastor of the Deaf church in São Paulo, and Dan asked him to pray that God would send two men to become the pastors of the two Deaf churches. This pastor mentioned it to his wife, and she texted Pr. Lucas and asked him to pray about it. By the way, the former pastor of the Deaf church in São Paulo is Rute’s father.

Back in September of 2023, Becky saw Rute teaching the deaf ladies at the Women’s Retreat, and she did a good job. Becky decided to ask Rute to speak at our Mother’s Day Tea, and Dan wanted to invite Pr. Lucas to come and preach that same weekend. Dan called and talked to Pr. Lucas, thinking he was the assistant pastor, but soon found out that he was the senior pastor of the church.

Dan invited them to come, and he quickly accepted. He told Dan that they had been praying about changing ministries, and only one other person knew about it.

Pr. Lucas, Rute, and their two small daughters came for the weekend of May 4th and 5th. It was a wonderful weekend of teaching, preaching and fellowship. On Monday morning, Dan and Pr. Lucas sat and talked about the Deaf church for a long time. Pr. Lucas and Rute both told us that they felt like they were “at home,” and seemed to have really enjoyed their time here. Pr. Lucas said that they would pray about God’s will concerning him becoming the pastor, and that he would give us an answer by the end of June.

On June 24th, Dan sent a message to Pr. Lucas just to let him know that we were praying for them, and if he had any questions to give him a call. He immediately called Dan, and he said that God had confirmed in their hearts that He wanted him to become the pastor of the Bible Baptist Church in Arujá. Glory, Hallelujah!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! That is a huge answer to prayer.

Let me also add another interesting piece of information: Pastor Lucas does not know sign language. Although that was a concern of his, Dan assured him that if God is calling, then part of the calling is preparing to minister in the language to which God calls a person. He is currently taking classes and doing well with what he has learned.

 Pastor Lucas and family moved to Arujá in August, and he is excited about learning and communicating with the Deaf. The church people have really embraced the new pastor, and we are excited to see how God is going to use this family in the years to come. They are a young family with some ambitious ideas, goals and plans. They have already talked about buying property and building in the future. We praise the Lord that we have had a part in the birth, growth and development of this church. This is also fruit to your account! To God be the glory!

Please be in continued prayer concerning a pastor for the Deaf church in São Paulo. We have someone in mind that could be a possibility…just waiting on God’s perfect timing. When that prayer has been answered, we will let you know.

Thank you for faithfully partnering with us as we reach the Deaf in Brazil!

That all may “hear,”

Dan & Becky Bennett

Pastor Lucas, Rute, Becky and Dan
Pastor Lucas, Rute, Lígia e Laura

Filling A Void?

Following the recent Home-going of my father-in-law, my wife was in the States, and I was in Brazil on Thanksgiving day. Our field director, Sean (and Stephanie) Lunday, graciously invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner, along with Lee and Eva Johnson, missionaries to the Deaf in Peru.

A few months ago, a Christian man was looking for a church in São Paulo, and he found the name of Sean Lunday and contacted him. This Brazilian man, Alex, is single, and since he was in São Paulo, Brother Lunday also invited him over for Thanksgiving dinner.

As we talked, Alex listened intently as Lee Johnson told him about the deaf works in Peru, and also as I talked about the deaf works in São Paulo. Alex had never heard of a deaf church, and as Lee Johnson was explaining about the deaf ministry, Alex said, “You’re filling a void.” With that being said, my ears perked up and I asked Alex to repeat what he had just said. When he again said that we are filling a void, I had to tell him that, in fact, we are not filling a void, because the deaf works in Peru and Brazil are just a “drop in the bucket” in relation to the millions of Deaf that are unreached around the world. With more than 70 million deaf people worldwide, we’re just barely scratching the surface of the spiritual needs of the world deaf population.

In his book, “Into the Silence,” missionary Joe Kotvas says, “there is only one foreign Independent Baptist missionary to the Deaf for every 8,000,000 deaf people.” Brother Kotvas goes on to say that “there is only one North American independent Baptist missionary to the Deaf for every four countries.” ¹

I wish that we were “filling the void,” but we still have a long way to go. It’s overwhelming to even try to grasp the magnitude of those statistics in the aforementioned book. We are just barely reaching a small percentage of the more than 270,000 Deaf in São Paulo, much less than reaching three other countries. Those figures are staggering!

The Great Commission says, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). While the majority of the 8 billion people who inhabit the earth are hearing, there are still more than 70 million people of the world population who are deaf, most of whom have never learned about salvation through Jesus Christ. The vast majority of deaf people are unsaved, and according to John 3:18, they are “condemned already,” and on their way to the Lake of Fire for all eternity. That ought to stir your heart. There’s only a handful of missionaries to the Deaf around the world who are trying to pull them out of Satan’s grasp.

Millions of Deaf worldwide don’t even have a language, no one with whom they can communicate, and no one to explain God’s love for them. They know nothing of Jesus, the Cross, the empty tomb, and Heaven. Many Deaf sit in silence, alone, unreached, forgotten, and without hope.

Christian friend, this needs to change. Churches across America and around the globe need to wake up and see this immense “void” that is not being filled. The time is now to make a concentrated effort to send forth more laborers into God’s harvest field to reap the souls of lost Deaf.

In Matthew 9:37 and 38, Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest.” As missionaries to the Deaf, we are praying that God would send forth more laborers among the deaf in São Paulo, and around the world. Would you please make this a matter of prayer in your home and in your church?

“Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” (John 4:35)

¹ Kotvas, J. (2006). Into the Silence: A Biblical Perspective and Plan for Reaching the Deaf Around the World, Efata, page 28.

Do You Need Some Work Done?

I have a brother-in-law who has been a carpenter for more than 40 years. His name is Mike, and he’s not just any ordinary carpenter, but he is an excellent, professional carpenter. If you need something done that’s made of wood, he can build it.

Let’s say you wanted a back porch added to your house, so you contracted Mike to build it. He would need to go and look at your house to see exactly what to do, the materials he would need, and the cost and labor to do the job.

When you accept the estimate for doing the work, Mike would arrive early on the day he promised to start the work. The materials would be ordered and arrive early in order to be ready for when the project is to begin. Immediately upon arriving at your house, Mike would begin preparing and clearing the area, digging holes for the posts, measuring and cutting the lumber, and just getting everything ready to begin. As you watched him work, it would be evident that he knew what he was doing. Mike is patient and persistent as he does the work, and you could do nothing less than admire the work of this professional carpenter.

However, let’s suppose that a couple days later you decided that you wanted to help the experienced carpenter do his job. You’ve never built a back porch before, and your only carpentry experience was building a birdhouse when you were in the 5th grade. It would be pretty bad if you took it upon yourself to do some sawing with that powerful Skil saw. Besides, you reason that it is your house, your yard, and your porch. You can do what you want!

Well, the next day Mike returns to see that you have single handedly destroyed the project, wasting lots of time and money that was already put into the work. I can picture Mike just standing there, scratching his head in disbelief. Now what? Does he start over, or give up? What a mess you’ve made!

The Bible says that, when you were saved, God began to do a good work in you (Philippians 1:6). God knows what to do, and He will continue to work in you, not only for your own good, but also for His honor and glory until Jesus comes back. God doesn’t need your counsel or advice. He just wants you to be patient, and don’t mess up what He’s doing in your life. When God is done with you, it will be a project that will bring glory and honor to Him. However, if you take things in your own hands, it will be a mess. Trust the omniscient God as He does a good work in you. You won’t regret it!

Prayer Letter November 2022

November 30, 2022

Greetings from São Paulo, Brazil!

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”  (Luke 2:11)

On September 25th there were 53 people in attendance for “Blue Sunday.” This is a special day in Brazil that celebrates and brings awareness to the deaf and their culture. Dan preached a Gospel message and planted some more Gospel “Seed.” No one was saved that we know of, but sometimes it takes longer for Deaf people to understand because they did not have any Bible teaching as they were growing up.

In our last prayer letter, we mentioned our invitation to present the Deaf ministry in a church in the city of Boituva. We scheduled six consecutive Saturdays to go and teach a basic sign language class, and there were eighteen people that enthusiastically learned the Brazilian sign language in order to reach deaf people in their city. We were encouraged to see a couple of men that are interested in heading up this ministry.

On November 27 our church, Bible Baptist Church, celebrated her 28th anniversary of preaching and teaching the Bible to the Deaf in and around São Paulo.  There were 56 people in attendance, and we had a good number of visitors. Dan has been preaching prophecy during the month of November, and he finished with a message regarding the Great White Throne. Many of those in attendance had never been taught about “things to come,” and most paid close attention to the message.  We were excited when several people said they would be back.

We are looking forward to returning to the USA for a short visit. We don’t often get to be in the States for Christmas, but on December 27, our son, Joseph, will be getting married to a sweet young lady from his church. Joseph has been the interpreter for two deaf men in his church for three years, and he has taught basic American Sign Language (ASL). Joseph’s fiancé, Cheryl, was in the class, and the two of them have been working together as friends for three years. We are happy for them both, and we look forward to seeing how God will lead them and use them in their marriage.

We are also excited that all seven of our children – along with our son-in-law and granddaughter – will be together again at Christmas for the first time in nine years! Of course, this will be a special Christmas!

THANK YOU for your faithful prayer and financial support throughout 2022. Have a very “Merry Christmas,” and a blessed 2023!

                                                                                                       That all may “hear,”

                                                                                                      Dan & Becky Bennett

Prayer Letter – August 2022

Greetings from São Paulo, Brazil!

Over the past few months, we have been staying busy in the work here. As I mentioned in our last prayer letter, our family went to the Deaflympics 2022 in the city of Caxias do Sul. Silent Word Ministries out of Trenton, GA purchased and provided us with thousands of tracts to take and distribute. We were able to hand out many Gospel tracts, talk with a good number of people, and several deaf people made professions of faith.

On May 30, Amilton, one of our faithful deaf men, died unexpectedly at the age of fifty-one. He had just celebrated his fifteenth “spiritual birthday” the day before. Back in November of 2021, Amilton invited a deaf couple to church named Gilson and Marileide. This couple had visited numerous other churches, but when they visited our church, the Gospel was clearly presented to them, and they trusted Christ as their Savior. We praise God that Amilton invited these people to church before he went to Heaven. One person can make a difference!

We have been invited to go to a church two hours northwest of us next month in the city of Boituva. Dan will be preaching, and we will be presenting our ministry among the deaf. The pastor seems to be interested in starting a deaf ministry in the church, so we are excited about this opportunity.

September 25th has been designated as “Blue Sunday.” This is a special day in Brazil that celebrates and brings awareness to the deaf and their culture. Each year, we invite Deaf from all over São Paulo to our church, and Dan will preach a simple, evangelistic message, followed by a small party to show our love for the Deaf. Please pray for Deaf to be saved on this special day.

Our two remaining children at home are doing well. Matthew began his senior year of high school, and Chrissy started seventh grade. Becky not only stays busy with our own children, but also with the children at church. She is often requested to attend doctor’s appointments to interpret for our deaf ladies, and that can take up several hours in a day as we trek all around São Paulo. Thank you for praying for our family!

One important prayer request we have is that God would send us someone to come and work with us. We would love to have a Brazilian man to come and eventually take over as pastor. Dan has begun to work with one of our men who has preached a couple of times, but he hasn’t had any “formal” Bible training. Dan plans to spend more time training this man, but someone to work alongside of us with experience would be a huge blessing.

Also, please pray for our colleagues, Jon and Hannah Speights. They have two children with some serious health issues, but it seems as if numerous medical exams have been unable to find the root causes. Your prayers for this family would be greatly appreciated.

Once again, THANK YOU for allowing us to represent you as we labor among the Deaf in São Paulo. We are extremely grateful for your prayer and financial support.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     That all may “hear,”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dan & Becky Bennett

April 2022 Prayer Letter

April 28, 2022

Greetings from São Paulo, Brazil.

It’s an honor to serve the Lord Jesus Christ!  Next month will mark our 23rd year of being in Brazil. God has been so good to us, and we praise Him for His faithfulness to us.

The last week of March was our annual BIMI Field Conference. Since our Brazil Field Director, Sean Lunday, took over being the Director over all South America, our Field Conference was attended by nearly eighty people from five different countries (six, if you include the USA). As always, it was a blessed time of fellowship, wonderful preaching, fun activities, good Brazilian food, lots of laughter, and spiritual refreshing. We met some new friends and got reacquainted with old friends. It was great to get our spiritual “batteries” recharged to continue the work of the ministry.

Samuel, a deaf man that visited our church back in October of 2021, has been coming off and on for the past few months.  He told Dan that he didn’t own a Bible, so Dan was able to give him a Bible that was paid for by a church in the USA through the ministry of BEAMS. Dan encouraged Samuel to read the Gospel of John three times, and he said that he would.  On April 17th, Samuel was back in church, and after a visual, Easter/Gospel message, Samuel placed his faith in Jesus as his Savior. Hallelujah!

A few weeks back, Becky was contacted by Danielle, a lady in Pompéia, a city about six hours northwest of São Paulo. We had met this family several years ago through some mutual friends, so they knew that we worked with the Deaf. A couple weeks ago, they contacted a man to do some work, and when he came to their house, he brought his deaf cousin to help. The deaf man, Gabriel, doesn’t know sign language, and Danielle’s family became burdened for Gabriel.  Danielle then got in touch with Becky, and after several conversations Becky agreed to teach this family Brazilian sign language (LIBRAS).  They had their first class on April 19th via Zoom, so please pray that Gabriel could be reached with the Gospel by this family as they learn sign language, and then teach him.

The Deaflympics (Deaf Olympics) will be held in Brazil on May 1st through May 15th. We just found out about this a short time ago but dismissed the idea of making the trip since we didn’t know of anyone else going among our missionaries. However, we felt the Lord leading us to go and be a part of reaching Deaf from around the world with the Gospel.

Dan sent a voice message to his brother, David Bennett, to ask him for advice about going to the Deaflympics. David has organized a couple of groups that went to two previous Deaflympics in other parts of the world, so we knew that he would be able to help. To make a long story short, David was able to get a big, plastic tote on a plane the following day, full of tracts, DVDs, and Gospel literature in several languages. David’s daughter and son-in-law, Brian and Christa Pate, are missionaries in Brazil, and they were leaving the very next day to return to Brazil after their furlough. Dan picked them up at the airport the next day, and also sixty-five pounds of Gospel “Seed” to be scattered around the Deaf world.

Please pray for us as we meet deaf people from around the world, and as we put the Good News of Salvation into their hands. The Gospel could go to Communist, Socialist, and Islamic countries. Only God knows how far the outreach will go. Pray that we would be Spirit filled, and that God would give us wisdom as we share the Gospel with those to whom we can minister. We can communicate in English and ASL (American Sign Language), as well as in Portuguese and LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language). Pray for us as we take the Seed of the Word to the Deaf of the world, that Jesus Christ would be magnified, and that souls would be saved. He promised that His Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11), so let us pray for a bountiful harvest of souls for the glory of God.

Thank you for having such an important part in the ministry among the Deaf here in Brazil!

May the Lord continue to bless you there in your community as you faithfully serve Him.

                                                                                    That all may “hear,”

                                                                                    Dan & Becky Bennett

Pray for Ukraine

(Written on 25 February 2022)

It’s 11:00PM, and all is quiet, except for the neighbor’s dog that is barking. He barks at everything. He barks at nothing.

One thing at which the dog is not barking is the sound of explosions. There is no gunfire. There are no missiles. There are no tanks. There aren’t any military jets or helicopters flying overhead. The city is quiet, except for the annoying, barking dog.

I walked out of my office and spent a few minutes walking on our back patio (it’s a slab of concrete). The cool, night air was refreshing. I thought about the war that was waged by Vladimir Putin, president of Russia. I prayed for the Ukrainian people as they prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. The people of the Ukraine are asking for help. They are imploring other countries for help.

I have seen news videos of the war that is going on. “God, have mercy on those people.” I am upset over a power-hungry man. I am saddened over the way the people of the Ukraine have been ignored by their allies.

One video showed a young man, twenty-one years of age, guarding a footbridge by himself, alone, waiting for the Russian troops to arrive. He has only fired sixteen rounds of ammunition his whole life. He fears for the life of his family. His family fears for his life. They may never see each other again.

I have seen Facebook posts by people that know missionaries and pastors in the Ukraine, and I even saw a video of a Brazilian man who is a pastor in the Ukraine. My heart breaks for those people, our brothers and sisters in Christ. Their faith is great. They don’t complain. They are trusting God. They are praying fervently.

Do you even wish that there was something that you could do? But wait; there is something that you can do. You can pray. You should pray. As the Brazilian pastor said on the video, “It’s not time for talk; it’s time for prayer.” As you go to bed tonight, say a prayer for the people of the Ukraine. Not a short, hurried prayer, but a compassionate, heartfelt, caring prayer. Pray in the same manner that you would want people to pray for you if you were in that situation.

Lives have already been lost. Sons, grandsons, brothers, fathers, husbands, dads, and uncles have died. Senior citizens have died. Children have died. Women have died. More will die needlessly. You may think that there’s nothing that you can do, but if you pray (with a clean heart), your prayer can move the hand of God.

When you turn off your phone tonight, don’t forget to lift up the Ukrainian people – and the Russian people, too – in your prayers.

One day, they might just thank you.

April 2021 Prayer Letter

Dear ministry partners and prayer warriors,

The days in which we are living are like none that we have experienced before. A global pandemic has affected us all in ways no one could have imagined. However, through it all, God was not surprised, and He has never been out of control.

While our schedule was slow in the Fall of 2020, our Spring schedule has picked up quite a bit. We don’t have any Sunday meetings available, and we only have a few Wednesday night dates open before we head back to Brazil in August. We have been blessed to be able to visit some of our supporting churches, and we have also been able to visit a few new churches.

Covid has hit some of our fellow missionaries. One of our BIMI missionaries that contracted Covid passed away, due to pneumonia and complications that affected his lungs. Brother Larry Barrett and his dear wife, Lydabelle, have been missionaries in Brazil for nearly 45 years. Brother Larry went Home to be with the Lord on January 26, 2021. Please remember Sister Lydabelle in your prayers.

It was in June and July of 2019 that Becky and I held a basic sign language course in the church that Brother Larry started many years ago. Almost the entire church signed up for the course, and at the end of the six-week course, we handed out 98 certificates of completion. Stephen Barrett, one of Brother Larry’s grandsons, had a great desire to continue learning the Brazilian sign language even after the course ended. About a month ago, Stephen wrote to me and said that God had been working in his life and had called him into full-time ministry. Stephen went on to say that he feels God is calling him to work with the deaf! After he raises his needed support, he plans to return to Brazil and begin a new church for the deaf in the city of Jundiaí. Besides the call of God in Stephen’s life, he told me that we, Becky and I, played a big role in his decision. Praise the Lord! Please pray for Stephen Barrett (25 years of age, single) as he goes to Candidate School on June 6-11 at BIMI. We have been praying for a long time that God would raise up more laborers with the deaf. We praise the Lord for the burden that God has placed on Stephen’s heart for the deaf in Brazil!

Lord willing, we will return to Brazil in August/September for our fifth term of missionary service. We could not do it without the love, prayers, and support of God’s people. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the ministry of the Lord in Brazil!

That all may “hear,”

Dan & Becky Bennett

January 2021 Prayer Letter

Dear faithful partners in ministry,

It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.   They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22,23) We praise God for His unfailing mercies, compassion, and faithfulness toward us daily. 

It’s hard to believe that 2020 is finally over, and we are well into 2021.  With all that transpired last year, we still have much for which to praise God. 

We returned to the USA on July 29, 2020.  We have been able to visit several churches, but because of the effects of the Coronavirus our schedule has not been full.  We’ve even had a couple of meetings cancelled due to pastors and church members having Covid.

On November 24, 2020, our daughter and her husband, Ryan and Anna Rodgers, gave us our first grandchild, a beautiful baby girl named Alyssa Nicole Rodgers.  Alyssa was born three weeks early, but both baby and mother are doing well. 

On December 1, Becky tested Positive for Covid, and Dan tested Negative.  However, a week later, Dan tested Positive, as did one of our children (Deborah).  Thankfully, they have been mild cases, and none of us had to go to the hospital.  For the most part our symptoms were very mild, and we felt lethargic much of the time.  Our family was in quarantine for a couple of weeks, but we have recovered and are now doing well.

We thank God for our colleagues, Michael and Ruth Douglas, who are doing a great job in our absence.  God is using them in a great way, and we recently spoke with them as they were praising the Lord for how He is working during this pandemic.  Even though church attendance is down, there is a handful of faithful people that are committed to assemble as the body of Christ.

As I mentioned earlier, we are now in the United States for furlough, and we have several openings still available. If you are interested in having us to give a report of the work and ministry among the Deaf in Brazil, please contact me as soon as possible.  You can reach me at (803)448-2127.

Thanks to all that gave a special Christmas offering to us.  Your love and generosity did not go unnoticed, and it was a tremendous blessing to our family.

Also, thank you for standing with us financially during the difficult months of the Coronavirus. Not once did we lack in our support due to the faithfulness of God’s people. We greatly appreciate all that give and pray to the work and ministry of our family.

                                                                 That all may “hear,”                                                                  Dan and Becky Bennett

New Memories

28 December 2019

In the new year, instead of only sharing OLD memories on Facebook from years gone by, I want to be making NEW memories.  I want to do something MEMORABLE with my family and loved ones in the upcoming year, and in the years to come.  I may not be able to be extravagant every week or every month, but I want to start doing something every year that my wife and children will remember and talk about the rest of their lives.  I should have started this years ago, but as I get older the necessity of making memories with my kids is becoming more important.

When I was eight years old, we took a family vacation, driving from Florida to California, camping along the way.  None of us had a cell phone to distract us or keep us busy, and we were not connected to the internet or texting our friends.  I don’t have any digital pictures of that vacation on my computer, but I can still remember it well because it was a memorable trip.  I want to make those kinds of memories with my family, beginning this upcoming year!